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Burbank is giving back this Christmas

The Christmas season is filled with excitement and joy for so many of us, but we know that for some it can be very difficult and challenging time. So this year, Burbank is giving back.

Throughout November and December, we are paying it forward and helping those less fortunate through initiatives in each of the states we operate in.

We want to support the local communities that we are proud to be part of.

National support 
On a national scale Burbank supported the HIA Charitable Foundation that works closely to with three different charities;  Beyond Blue, The National Centre for Asbestos Related diseases (NCARD), The Victorian Homeless Fund.  

HIA-Charitable-foundation.pngBurbank is proud to support the HIA Charitable Foundation which does such amazing work in our industry.
Over the past two challenging years in particular the Foundation, in partnership with Beyond Blue, has helped countless workers cope with mental health issues sadly so widespread in the building sector. Their dedication has prevented many tragic outcomes. 
Since 2012, one of the Foundation's priorities has also been supporting workers who suffer mesothelioma caused by inhaling asbestos fibres and providing valuable education to ensure many more people do not fall victim to this hideous disease. 
On behalf of all Burbank employees and their families, I thank the Foundation and applaud their work.
– Jarrod Sanfilippo – Burbank Group Managing Director.

New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia
Burbank will be donating to charities that are dedicated to supporting those in need during November and December across NSW, SA, and QLD.

This includes donating for each new home deposit taken during this time. Each customer who puts down a deposit during November and December will receive a certificate and a small gift from Burbank in acknowledgement.

So, customers will not only be taking a step toward building their dream home, but they will also do so knowing they’ve helped a worthy cause.

New South Wales
Burbank’s chosen charity in NSW for this year is Backpack Bed for Homeless.Backpack-bed1-(1).jpg

Did you know more than 15,000 people will sleep rough on the street across New South Wales this year? The charity distributes Backpack Beds – or swags – to people sleeping on the street to provide them with shelter and dignity.

The program doesn’t receive government funding and relies on donations to continue their work. Burbank is proud to be donating to this well-deserved charity this Christmas season.

Find out more:

South Australia
Hutt St Centre has been selected as the charity we wish to support in South Australia, this November and December.
Hutt-St-(2).jpgHutt Street Centre in Adelaide serves up to 40,000 meals and offers social work and support services to nearly 2,600 people each year.

Burbank team members recently helped to serve breakfast to people experiencing homelessness at Hutt Street Centre. Our team gained an even better understanding of just how much the Centre does for every person who walks through their doors. We are proud to be supporting this very worthy cause.

Find out more:

Rosies is a volunteer-based not for profit organisation that aimsRosies1-(1).jpg to provide friendship and connection to those who are experiencing homelessness, at risk or homelessness, or are socially isolated.

Rosies operates 14 branches across Queensland comprised of more than 1,300 volunteers and has outreach programs running somewhere in the state every night of the year. More than 98 per cent of their work is funded through donations from the local community.

Burbank is proud to be donating to the work Rosies does, particularly during the Christmas season, which can be a particularly isolating time for many people.
Find out more:

We know many businesses have been doing it tough in Victoria over the past two years with the restrictions and lockdowns that have been in place throughout the pandemic.

Burbank is supporting these local businesses as they recover by purchasing vouchers that will be handed out to our valued customers at our Victorian display homes during November and December.Local-cafes-(1).jpg

These vouchers will be from local businesses around our displays so that customers can go and enjoy a coffee and cake on us. Visit a Burbank display centre near you and join us in supporting local businesses in the area this Christmas season.

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help. Our new home consultants will be in touch with anything you need.

I wish to be contacted by Burbank's Finance Partner National Pacific Finance to arrange my free consultation with a home loan expert.