I wish to be contacted by Burbank's Finance Partner National Pacific Finance to arrange my free consultation with a home loan expert.

Purchase your new home & save up to $40K!*

There are some new building requirements coming soon that will impact all new home builds in ACT. 

One of these changes will be that all new homes need to meet a minimum of a 7-star energy rating [or the Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) rating equivalent]. These new changes will affect every new residential build in ACT. 

There are many benefits to these new changes such as long-term savings on your energy bills, a more sustainable home and increased comfort in everyday living however to meet the new energy rating there will be increased upfront costs which could be up to $40K*. Find out more here

As these changes fast approach this leaves a window of opportunity to save on your new home before these unavoidable costs hit.

Build with Burbank & deposit today to save up to $40K*.

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Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help. Our new home consultants will be in touch with anything you need.

I wish to be contacted by Burbank's Finance Partner National Pacific Finance to arrange my free consultation with a home loan expert.