Burbank's Community Care Queensland

At Burbank we care. We care about our customers, we care about the homes we build and we care about Australian communities.

Together with the help of our partners we're able to join forces to provide support, funding and awareness that benefits our local communities.

Burbank in the Community

Logan Basketball

Since 2021, Burbank have been a proud supporter of the Logan Thunder Basketball - Junior Club Program. 
Coming from humble beginnings throughout the years Logan Basketball has grown to become one of the leading sports organisations within the Logan Region and the State of QLD.

Founded in 1998 to provide basketball opportunities for all ages and skill levels, today the organisation hosts an array of competitions and programs through their Cornubia Sports Centre. 

The Junior program includes over 1100 players from 6 domestic clubs in the Logan region.

Variety Charity Home

Burbank is proud to have been involved in the hugely successful 2021 Variety Home Auction which has raised $400,000 for the children’s charity. We built the two-storey, four-bedroom home at 6 Nash Boulevard, in Rockbank’s Accolade Estate.

Legendary cricketer and Variety friend, Merv Hughes, attended the weekend’s virtual auction, getting the bidders excited with a cricket warm-up before the action started.

Variety raise money to buy aids such as wheelchairs and fund all-abilities playgrounds to provide practical help to children, schools, and organisations. The charity also run programs to educate and empower children as well as give scholarships to encourage the talents of children living with disadvantage or disability. They also hold special events to bring joy and engage children in need and their families.

Starlight Children's Foundation

Burbank is thrilled to announce its 2018 partnership with the Starlight Children's Foundation, one of Australia's most vital children's charities.

The team at Starlight work to brighten the lives of seriously sick kids, through the forms of entertainment, play and enchantment. This magic happens both in the Starlight Express Rooms (located within major paediatric hospitals across the country, and which feature fun activities, adventures and the always entertaining Captain Starlight) and through their wish granting program

In 2019, the Burbank team granted one wish per month as Starlight’s official room renovation wish granters!

The Burbank team is thrilled to be on board with such an important charity, and look forward to a fabulous partnership ahead - for more updates, stay tuned!

Logan Village Lions Club - Golf Day

In 2022, Burbank proudly partnered with Lions Logan Village to support their annual golf day for Multiple Sclerosis Queensland and other local community projects. 

Organised by Tim, a past Burbank customer from years ago - Burbank were on board to sponsor the 2nd Tee of the 60+ player event.

Rosies - Christmas Giving

In 2021 Burbank supported a range of charities across Australia as a way to give back. Where portions of every sale we made were donated back to these fantastic causes. 

Rosies provides unconditional acceptance and friendship to people who are marginalised within QLD communities - especially those who are homeless, at risk, or simply lonely. Rosies volunteers provide support through donations from the local community making a difference to real people, real stories, real life.

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help. Our new home consultants will be in touch with anything you need.

I wish to be contacted by Burbank's Finance Partner National Pacific Finance to arrange my free consultation with a home loan expert.